Chicago Arson Attorneys
A person commits arson when by means of fire or explosives, with intent, damages any real property, personal property having a value of $150.00 or more without consent of the owner of the property.
A person also commits arson if he commits the above act with the intent to defraud an insurance company.
Arson is a Class Two Felony which carries a sentence of 3-7 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Aggravated Arson In Illinois
Aggravated Arson is a Class X felony, which carries a sentence of 6-30 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections.
A person commits aggravated arson when in the course of committing arson a person set fire partially or totally or to an a adjacent building including all or part of a school building, horse trailer, water craft, or rail road car
and, he knows or reasonably knows, that a person is present or a person suffers great bodily harm or if a police man, fire man, or correctional officer who is on the scene acting in the line of duty is injured as a result of the fire or explosion.
Being charged with Arson is a very serious matter that needs the attention of an experienced and aggressive Chicago criminal defense attorney.
Call and Speak to an Arson Defense Attorney today.